Another weekend in beautiful Vancouver. I was still recovering from a pretty serious cold so I decided to rest up Friday night. Not much to report unless you want to talk about how much time I wasted playing the video game Fable 2.
Still it was kind of nice to sleep in Saturday morning. The weekend before I had woken up at quarter to five to go out
fishing with a seasoned vet of the rivers out here who was going to give me some fishing tips.
The trip was pretty helpful and the guy was a real help, but I’m simply not the die hard fisherman who copes well with getting up at five in the morning. I’d rather shake off a hang over and get to the river at noon. But hey, that’s just me. Either way,
being on the river for sunrise was pretty cool.
Alright, back to the weekend that just passed. Me and Christy decided to try out another burger place near by,
Moderne Burger. Another
place developing a rep for awesome burgers around town. The place is decked out to look totally like an
art deco diner out of the 40’s or something. Really impressive especially with respect to their
attention to detail. The only knock against it was the waitress who served us was wearing lu lu lemon pants. I mean, if you go all the way to getting an authentic jukebox into the place and original light installations couldn’t you drop the extra $20 on getting your waitresses to wear something more acceptable than a thinly veiled pair of sweat pants?
The burgers themselves were pretty awesome. As were
the shakes, which they give you with those metal cup things that they mix them in, so you get the extra little bit. Christy was pretty stoked on
the fries too.
Saturday night me and Christy caught word from a friend who works at Color Magazine that Anti-Social (a big time skate shop out here, owned by Rick McCrank I think) was having an anniversary show at the Biltmore with Ladyhawk and some other band. And what was even better, she could get us in for free. Sweet! Little did I know this was only the beginning of the sweetness.
When we got into the place it turns out for the 7th anniversary of the store they were selling
Pabst Blue Ribbon cans for $3.50. I got into them
pretty fast. And
kept going, and
going and
going. I could tell I was at a pretty exclusive party because of all the celebrities there. I saw
Russell Brand hanging out with the asian dude from NERD,
The Mac guy from the Mac and PC ads and even
Doctor Who managed to travel through time and space to make it there. Oh yeah, and
Party-squatch was there too, not to mention a dude with the most
annoying looking haircut I could ever imagine. Also saw some sweet fashion, like a
floating hood not actually attached to a hoodie. All in all it was a
pretty good night, everyone was in
a good mood, dudes were
crowd surfing and it was nice to finally party at such
a classy joint. Ladyhawk was okay, I don’t know all the bands kind of sounded like music from the 60’s or 70’s, no offence to my dad but I just ain’t into the same music he grew up listening to, but for some reason it seems to be all the craze with a lot of the hip kids these days. I don’t understand the kids these days, isn’t the point to rebel against your parents not be them?
Christy goes to Florida Friday. Party at me and Captain’s place.