I've known Matt Unsworth since I was about 11. When we first met I made fun of him for wearing a crash test dummies button to school thinking it was cool. Basically since that point our friendship has essentially been based on making fun of the other one whenever they think they're doing something remotely cool. He also runs a pretty hilarious blog which you can check out here
Also note he is literally the worst speller I know. I've left all his grammatical errors as is in the interview. enjoy!
This is what Matt looks like eating breakfast.

This is what Matt looks like the rest of the time.

1. Who are you?
Matthew Alexander Unsworth
2. Where you live?
3. What you up to?
A lot of TV shows on Itunes, did you know you can buy a show for 2 bucks? That combined with microwaved triscut nachos, I couldn't imagine a better way to spend ones time. I do work, but a lot of that time is spent in hotels of weird places that I don't know anybody, nor are they the types of places you'd see on WIld On, like Abu Dhabi. So that's why I spend a lot of time in hotel beds watching laptop tv and eating junk food.
When I am at home I spend most of the time putting my life back together after longs trips, that's almost a part time job, laundry, cleaning the apartment, email catch ups. It usually takes about three days for things to get back to normal, by the time its all done I'm usually off again. All the other time I spend writing (I have a blog and just started working for Toronto Life Magazine), hosting a film review podcast, and making movies that no one on the internet seems to want to watch but me. But I'm cool with that.
4. What's something cool about where you live?
Babe Diversity/babeversity, its the best city because there is probably about 4 girls to every guy, and 3 of those 4 are about an 8? You folllow me? It's kind of a shittier version of New York, only two types of people can survive in cities like NYC and TO, good looking people and smart people, which usually makes for a good scene. Like that guy from my wood shop class, Clint, he doesn't live in Toronto.
Getting back to Babeversity, it's great, if you want an Artsy girl, Queen west, Turbo hot/semi retarded girl club district, fun/college girls Humber bars, hippy keningsington, Girls that want to get married after the first date, little italy, desperate girls, sneaky dees 2:00 am
That's what's cool about toronto, the night life and the social scene, outside of that, this place is a steaming pile of dog shit.
5. What is something you're excited about right now?
I installed a HD projector at the end of my bed so it projects movies on to my ceiling so I can them while lying down. I found a way to be even lazier than a couch potato.
That and getting some projects done that have been on the burner forever.
6. Anything else?
I have an Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo ds, and a sitdown pacman machine with every arcade, Nintendo and Sega game on it, and I never play any of them, ever. I don't really like video games, just the idea of them.
Matts ceiling projector:

Matts neglected Ms. Pacman machine:

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