Thursday, September 10, 2009


Alright. I’ve had enough. After years of having crappy cell phones and, for the last little while, no computer I’ve decided to get tricked out. By the start of the new year, I want to go from where I am right now, to one of those obnoxious dudes who twitters on his cell phone about how you punched him in the face for twittering while hanging out with you. Okay not that obnoxious but you get the idea.

Right now I have a cell phone that’s 7 years old. Sometimes when I pick it up it hangs up right as I answer the phone, other times when I’m writing a text if I press the ‘4’ key too hard it’ll just send my text mid-sentence. As for my computer I sold it a while back to get fishing gear. Honestly I don’t regret that one because fishing rules, and it was an old beast of a g5, I need something more mobile.

So here’s the scoop. I need recco’s. Right now I’m looking at probably getting a mac book. I’ve heard there’s rumors that the regular mac book might be getting upgraded, at least cosmetically, so I might hold off a month or two. I need something I can do a little bit of editing, photoshop and writing on, it doesn’t need to be a hog so I think I can get away with just a simple mac book. If I’m wrong in that assumption, let me know.

The second one is the phone. Right now I’m considering three options, an iphone, a blackberry and a cool android phone. Right now the iphone is enticing simply because I’m interested in some of the apps, however with android I’m thinking something backed up by google might get some real cool options available for it soon.

Anyone got any tips? I know, not my typical blog post, but any help is appreciated.


attila said...

just get the macbook. if you're waiting for mac rumours to materialize you'll always be waiting and never buy. just pull the trigger.

BM said...

got a macbook (the newer unibody one) and it's pretty good for the most part, except when I'm on porn sites and Safari closes on me, which happens often

while I haven't used an iphone extensively (I own a touch though, it leaves a lot to be desired) I used to have a touchscreen phone which I purposefully dropped in a cup of coffee so I could get a new/different phone. there really is something to be said about having some resistance/click when you type something, unless you're a neanderthal and type really slow

you hate Canada/freedom or something? get a blackberry, traitor

Simon B said...

Dude, stop using Safari. Get firefox or even google's one, chrome, or whatever it's called.

Attila, you do photoshop on your mac book right? Does it all run okay?

Ben M said...

dude, ben mills, america invented freedom-- get your facts straight. need proof: what race is your president?

i became partial to blackberrys over the past 5 years. but, theyre very much more of an 'organizer' than a 'phone.' so, if youre looking for something to keep you socially in touch (twitter, etc); you may want to look elsewhere.

BM said...

Ben Meers - Then why do you go to school overseas? 'Merican schools not good enough fer ya? Time to look in the mirror, Osama.

I'm pretty sure our President is a Cylon

you should get one of these phones:

Anonymous said...

blackberry desktop for mac was just released, which is great since you can sync everything. I was able to backup all my phone numbers, emails, to my address book on my comp. i was also to sync my calendar, so know i know my emo days and when to cry.

jon said...

I just got an iPhone. I don't know how I ever lived without it. Buy one. Today. Then we can get together over beers and talk about apps and shit.